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Showing posts from July, 2023

Why 8 is Great

  Mel Robbins recently posted a video with her three truths about personal change.  To achieve it, you have to be: Frustrated enough to say "no more" Brave enough to expect more from yourself and others Disciplined enough to do the hard work When I kicked off this blog in April, I was transparent about the state of my physical health and walking in to LA Fitness with my tail between my legs.  I was dead serious. Mel Robbins was right.  This post is about discipline and dedicated to that journey, the trainer who got me where I am today, and the unexpected leadership lesson - "8 is great" - I learned along the way. Has anyone seen Athlete Denise? I've been an athlete all my life.  Started softball, learned to water ski at age 7; collegiate and competitive volleyball player until my late 20s; dabbled in short distance triathlons into my early 40s; active swimmer, hiker, casual cyclist. When I turned 50 I could still take my lab Ali out for a 2-3 mile jog without mu