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Showing posts from May, 2023

Spanish biophilia circa 1890: Barcelona P2

  This post leans into sustainability concepts in wonderful ways so even if this subject isn't your jam, stay with me.  I promise you'll love the pics and might even be a fan by the end.   If you missed my part 1 of my Barca stay, the touristy post, you can check it out  here Catalan modernism blossomed in the late 19th century.  It seeps into Spanish art, architecture, music, urban planning; everyday life.  It's on display here unlike any major city I've visited to date.  It's magical.   Today we talk a lot about biophilic design:  incorporating natural elements into urban, build spaces.  The benefits are long proven:  improved creativity, air quality, mental and physical wellness, productivity.  Companies incorporating biophilic design principles - more green space, natural light, fresh air, plants - see higher productivity and employee retention.  The nature infusion benefits individuals in reduced blood pressure, anxiety, stress and fosters a greater sense of we

Goats, Gaudi, Goulets: Barcelona P1

  Yes,  as I begin this post I am in Barcelona and no, that's not the goat.  Patience! I arrived after a gorgeous train ride from Toulouse through Girona and the easternmost Pyrenees.  I've been to Spain, and Barcelona, a few times. Friends were surprised it made my short list.  Why?  Two reasons.  Most of my trips were work-related.  My first real vacation here was 18 years ago with my kids. They were middle schoolers; it was a different itinerary.  I've had a long list of items for the grown-ups only return trip.  Second?  My sister, Lorri, was joining me.  Before finalizing my travel plan back in March, my sister asked to join me over the US Memorial Day weekend, basically no matter where I was.  Lorri is a first grade teacher and she's had a helluva challenging year.  She needed a grown-ups only trip, too.  We went back and forth between Barca and Dublin.  While I know she's eager to get to Ireland, it's a longer trip I know we'll do together in the futu